Monday, May 29, 2006



Update 03, forums, and more!

Listen Now

Run Time 16 mins
File Size 8 MB

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

E3 Impressions cast

I meant to have this up yesterday... but E3, the trips, etc. always gives me a huge headache on my first few days back. As a result, yesterday was hell for me.

So, here is the cast.

I give impressions on the little bit of the Burning Crusade I was able to play... and mind you, there wasn't much to play with the limited amount of time I had.

Other impressions include: FEAR and Shadowrun for the Xbox 360, Huxley for PC and Xbox 360, Wii games and the controller, Unreal Tournament 2007, maybe something else as well, I forget right now... I've been waiting on my host to get the file up.

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File Size: 14.6 MB
Run Time: 30:20

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

E3 pres conference wrap up

Here is the first of the E3 podcatsts, all about the press conferences for Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. A co-op cast with

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File Size: 14.6 MB
Run time: 30:21

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pre-E3 06 Show

Sorry, I meant to have this up last night... but I was beat, and crashed early. So, here it is now.

Short, sweet, to the point. Remember to email me what you want to hear from E3 by Sunday so I can be ready. My email address is for those who forget easily. Majority rules, if the majority wants to hear about just WoW/Blizz, then that's what I discuss. If the majority wants to hear about all sorts of goings on, then that's what I discuss.

Be ready for E3 '06 Episode 1 next week!

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File size: 3.3 MB

Run Time 6:50